Twitter CPM



Twitter Cost Per Mille (Twitter CPM) measures the Twitter-reported cost per 1,000 Twitter ad impressions.


Twitter CPM = (Twitter Ad Spend / Twitter Impressions) x 1000

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Ad Spend = SUM(spend) --> Ads table
Clicks = SUM(impressions) --> Ads table
Twitter Ads = where channel = 'twitter-ads'

Insights and Actions

Tracking Twitter CPM helps you understand the cost of showing your ads to 1,000 viewers. Regular monitoring can inform budget allocations and highlight areas for optimization:

  • Optimize Budget Allocation: High CPM may indicate that your ad targeting is too narrow or competitive. Review Twitter Targeting to identify potential adjustments.
  • Evaluate Campaign Cost-Effectiveness: Pair CPM with Twitter Impressions to determine if you're getting sufficient reach for the cost. This helps evaluate if your spend aligns with campaign goals.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Use Twitter CPM data to compare your campaign performance with industry benchmarks. High CPM relative to industry standards could suggest the need for strategic changes.

Related Metrics

  • Twitter Impressions: Provides context for the total reach of your ads, essential for understanding the CPM value's effectiveness.
  • Twitter Clicks: Complements CPM by showing if impressions are leading to clicks, helping to assess the value derived from ad exposure.
  • Twitter Ad Spend: A critical component for calculating CPM and understanding how much budget is directed towards achieving ad visibility.

Example Use


What's my Twitter CPM for yesterday?



    SUM(adt.spend) / NULLIF(SUM(adt.impressions), 0),
  ) * 1000 AS cpm
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'twitter-ads'
  AND adt.event_date = CURRENT_DATE() - 1;