New Users (New Visitors)
New Users represents the number of first-time visitors to your website, providing insights into how effectively your site attracts new audiences.
New Users = Sum of First-Time Visitors
The calculation is based on data in the Website Analytics table.
Detailed Breakdown
The formula above is derived from the following components:
- New Users =
--> Website Analytics tablenew_users
=SUM(IF(is_new_visitor, 1, 0))
--> Sessions table
Insights and Actions
New Users (New Visitors) highlights how well your website attracts new audiences, offering insights into your ability to reach untapped markets and grow your customer base.
- Evaluate Acquisition Strategies: Monitor the number of new users to gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and outreach efforts in driving fresh traffic to your site.
- Optimize Content for First-Time Visitors: Ensure that landing pages and entry points provide clear, engaging content tailored to new audiences, maximizing their likelihood of conversion.
- Analyze Traffic Sources: Pair new user data with traffic source metrics to identify the platforms or channels that bring in the most first-time visitors, guiding allocation of marketing spend.
Related Metrics
- Sessions: Offers context on overall website activity, showing how new users contribute to total visits.
- Bounce Rate: Helps determine if new users are engaging or leaving quickly, highlighting areas for improvement in content or navigation.
- Conversion Rate (CR): Tracks how effectively first-time visitors are converting into customers, offering insights for optimizing their journey.
Example Use
How many new users visited my website in the past 30 days?
SUM(wat.new_users) AS total_new_users
web_analytics_table AS wat
wat.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 30 AND CURRENT_DATE() - 1;
Updated about 1 month ago