Klaviyo CV (Revenue)



Klaviyo Conversion Value (Klaviyo CV, Klaviyo Revenue) refers to the total revenue generated in Klaviyo.


Klaviyo CV = Total Conversion Value from Klaviyo

The calculation is based on data from the Email/SMS table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Email/SMS table
Klaviyo Flows = where channel = 'klaviyo'

Insights and Actions

Klaviyo CV represents the total revenue generated through Klaviyo campaigns and flows, helping you understand how well your email and SMS marketing efforts are performing.

  • Track Marketing Impact: Monitor Klaviyo CV to measure the effectiveness of your email and SMS campaigns, ensuring they are driving meaningful revenue.
  • Refine Messaging: Identify which messages or offers lead to higher conversion values and adjust future campaigns accordingly.
  • Segment and Personalize: Use Klaviyo CV data to optimize your segmentation and personalize messaging to customer segments that generate higher revenue.
  • Maximize ROI: Leverage this metric to focus your budget and efforts on the Klaviyo campaigns and flows that consistently produce the highest returns.

Example Use


What's my Klaviyo-reported conversion value over the past 30 days?



  SUM(e.conversion_value) AS total_conversion_value
  email_sms_table AS e
  e.channel = 'klaviyo'
  AND e.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 30 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;