Taboola Impressions (Displays)



Taboola Impressions (Displays) refers to the number of impressions as reported by Taboola.


Taboola Impressions = Total Taboola-Reported Impressions

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Impressions = SUM(impressions) --> Ads table
Taboola Ads = where channel = 'taboola'

Insights and Actions

Taboola Impressions (Displays) provide insight into the reach of your ads on the Taboola platform, helping you understand how often your ads are displayed:

  • Evaluate Audience Reach: High impressions indicate broad exposure. If impressions are low, consider adjusting targeting to increase reach.
  • Assess Engagement Potential: Pair impression data with clicks and conversions to determine if your audience finds the ads relevant.
  • Optimize Ad Visibility: If impressions are high but engagement is low, test new creatives or messaging to improve audience interaction.

Related Metrics

  • Taboola Clicks: Complements impressions by showing engagement; high impressions with low clicks may signal a need to improve ad appeal.
  • Taboola CTR: Helps evaluate how effectively impressions are turning into clicks, offering insights into ad relevance.
  • Taboola Ad Spend: Analyzes cost relative to impressions to gauge efficiency and identify areas for budget adjustment.

Example Use


What's my total number of Taboola impressions over the last 7 days?



  SUM(adt.impressions) AS total_impressions
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'taboola'
  AND adt.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1