Facebook Revenue per Link Click



Facebook Revenue per Link Click measures the average revenue generated for each outbound click on a Facebook ad.


Facebook Revenue Per Link Click = Facebook CV / Facebook Outbound Clicks

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Ads table
Outbound Clicks = SUM(outbound_clicks) --> Ads table
Facebook Ads = where channel = 'facebook-ads'

Insights and Actions

Facebook Revenue per Link Click is a valuable metric for understanding how effectively your Facebook ads are driving revenue from outbound traffic:

  • Assess Ad Performance: Use this metric to evaluate how well your Facebook ads are converting clicks into revenue. A higher revenue per link click indicates more valuable traffic.
  • Optimize Targeting and Content: Ads with higher revenue per link click can reveal which audiences or content strategies generate more valuable interactions. Use these insights to refine future ad campaigns.
  • Adjust Budget: Shift your budget toward campaigns or ad sets that produce higher revenue per link click, ensuring your ad spend maximizes profitability.
  • Improve Funnel Strategy: This metric can help you identify gaps in your funnel, where outbound clicks are not leading to meaningful revenue. Use this data to adjust landing pages, offers, or user flows.

Example Use


What was the Facebook revenue per link click for yesterday?



  SUM(a.conversion_value) / NULLIF(SUM(a.outbound_clicks), 0) AS revenue_per_link_click
  ads_table AS a
  a.event_date = CURRENT_DATE() - 1
  AND a.channel = 'facebook-ads'