Blended Ad Spend


Blended Ad Spend refers to the total amount of money spent on advertising across all channels and platforms (including custom ad spend).


Blended Ad Spend = Ad Spend + Custom Ad Spend

Detailed breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Ad Spend = SUM(spend) --> Ads table
Custom Ad Spend = SUM(amount) --> Custom Spend table

Insights and Actions

Blended Ad Spend is a key metric for understanding the total investment in advertising across all channels. Efficiently leveraging Blended Ad Spend data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Evaluate Overall Marketing Efficiency: Analyze blended ad spend in relation to overall sales revenue to assess the efficiency of your marketing efforts.
  • Optimize Ad Spend Across Channels: Use insights from blended ad spend to reallocate budget to higher-performing channels and reduce spend on underperforming ones.
  • Monitor Spending Trends: Track changes in blended ad spend over time to identify trends, seasonality, or shifts in marketing strategy effectiveness.
  • Compare Performance with Industry Benchmarks: Benchmark your blended ad spend against industry averages to ensure your marketing investment is competitive and effective.

Example Use


What was my blended ad spend the past 7 days?
