Facebook CPM



Facebook Cost Per Mille (Facebook CPM) refers to the Facebook-reported cost per 1,000 Facebook ad impressions.


Facebook CPM = (Facebook Ad Spend / Facebook Impressions) x 1000

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Ad Spend = SUM(spend) --> Ads table
Clicks = SUM(impressions) --> Ads table
Facebook Ads = where channel = 'facebook-ads'

Insights and Actions

Facebook Cost Per Mille (CPM) measures the expense of 1,000 ad impressions, offering insights into how effectively you're reaching your audience:

  • Content Optimization: Determine which ad formats—like videos or images—deliver the most value by analyzing those with lower CPM and higher viewer engagement.
  • Targeting Efficiency: Examine how CPM varies across different audience segments to hone in on the most cost-effective groups.
  • Timing Adjustments: Identify when CPM rates dip during certain times or days to time your ads more strategically and stretch your budget further.
  • Experiment and Expand: Leverage periods of low CPM to trial new creative concepts or target new demographics, scaling up successful approaches to enhance reach and impact.

Example Use


What's my Facebook CPM for yesterday?



  COALESCE(SUM(a.spend) / NULLIF(SUM(a.impressions), 0), 0) * 1000 AS facebook_cpm
  ads_table AS a
  a.channel = 'facebook-ads'
  AND a.event_date = CURRENT_DATE() - 1