Handling Fees



Handling Fees represent the costs associated with boxing, packaging, or other services needed to prepare products for shipment.


Handling Fees = Total Handling Fees during the selected time period

The calculation is based on data from the Orders table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

  • Handling Fees = SUM(handling_fees) --> Orders table

Insights and Actions

Handling Fees represent the costs incurred for preparing products for shipment, providing insights into operational expenses and efficiency:

  • Monitor Operational Costs: Regularly track handling fees to ensure they remain proportionate to revenue and identify areas where costs can be minimized.
  • Evaluate Packaging Efficiency: Analyze trends in handling fees to identify opportunities for optimizing packaging processes or sourcing cost-effective materials.
  • Incorporate Fees into Pricing: Use handling fee data to ensure product pricing adequately covers operational costs, protecting profit margins.

Related Metrics

  • Shipping Costs: Complements handling fees by providing a full view of logistics expenses, helping assess total fulfillment costs.
  • Order Revenue: Contextualizes handling fees as a percentage of revenue, aiding in evaluating their impact on profitability.
  • Net Profit: Tracks overall profitability, offering insights into how handling fees affect the bottom line.

Example Use


What are my handling fees for the last 30 days?



  SUM(ot.handling_fees) AS total_handling_fees
  orders_table AS ot
  ot.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 30 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;