Klaviyo Campaigns CV (Revenue)



Klaviyo Campaigns Conversion Value (Klaviyo Campaigns CV; Klaviyo Campaigns Revenue) refers to the total revenue generated through campaigns in Klaviyo.


Klaviyo Campaigns CV = Total Conversion Value from Klaviyo Campaigns

The calculation is based on data from the Email/SMS table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Email/SMS table
Klaviyo Flows = where channel = 'klaviyo' AND report_type = 'campaign'

Insights and Actions

Klaviyo Campaigns CV tracks the total revenue generated from your Klaviyo email and SMS campaigns, offering insight into the impact of your one-time marketing efforts.

  • Evaluate Campaign Performance: Use Klaviyo Campaigns CV to measure the effectiveness of each campaign and determine which ones drive the most revenue.
  • Optimize Campaign Content: Identify high-performing campaigns and analyze their messaging, design, and audience to replicate successful strategies in future campaigns.
  • Target Specific Customer Segments: Refine your campaign targeting by focusing on the customer segments that consistently generate higher revenue from your campaigns.
  • Compare Campaigns and Flows: Balance your marketing efforts by comparing the revenue from campaigns and automated flows, ensuring an optimal mix of both for maximum revenue.

Example Use


Show my total revenue from Klaviyo campaigns for the last 7 days



  SUM(est.conversion_value) AS total_revenue
  email_sms_table AS est
  est.channel = 'klaviyo'
  AND est.report_type = 'campaign'
  AND est.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;