MNTN Impressions



MNTN Impressions refers to the number of impressions as reported by MNTN.


MNTN Impressions = Total MNTN-Reported Impressions

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Impressions = SUM(impressions) --> Ads table
MNTN Ads = where channel = 'mountain'

Insights and Actions

MNTN Impressions help gauge the visibility of your ads by tracking the total number of times they were displayed to users:

  • Assess Reach: A high number of impressions indicates your ads are reaching a broad audience. If impressions are low, consider increasing your ad budget or adjusting targeting to expand reach.
  • Evaluate Engagement Potential: While impressions measure visibility, pair this with metrics like MNTN Clicks to assess if high visibility translates into user engagement.
  • Optimize Frequency: If impressions are high but engagement is low, consider revisiting ad frequency and content to ensure theyโ€™re not oversaturating the audience.

Related Metrics

  • MNTN Clicks: Tracks user interactions with your ads, helping you assess the effectiveness of impressions in driving engagement.
  • MNTN Conversion Rate: Provides insight into how well impressions convert to actual actions, showing the efficiency of your ad placements.
  • MNTN Cost per Mille (CPM): Shows the cost per 1,000 impressions, helping you evaluate whether your ad spend is aligned with your visibility goals.

Example Use


What's my total number of MNTN impressions over the last 7 days?



  SUM(adt.impressions) AS total_impressions
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'mountain'
  AND adt.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1