Klaviyo Sales Percentage


Klaviyo Sales Percentage represents the portion of your total sales revenue attributed to conversions generated through Klaviyo marketing efforts.


Klaviyo Sales Percentage = Klaviyo Order Revenue / Order Revenue

The calculation is based on data from the Pixel Orders table.

Insights and Actions

Klaviyo Sales Percentage is crucial for assessing the impact of your email and SMS marketing campaigns on overall sales. Efficiently leveraging Klaviyo Sales Percentage data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Evaluate Marketing ROI: Use Klaviyo Sales Percentage to evaluate the return on investment of your Klaviyo marketing efforts, identifying the effectiveness of your email and SMS campaigns in driving sales.
  • Optimize Campaign Content: Analyze which types of content and campaign strategies yield the highest sales percentage, and refine your approach to maximize conversion rates.
  • Segment and Personalize Marketing: Further segment your audience based on their behavior and purchase history to personalize your campaigns, aiming to increase the Klaviyo Sales Percentage.
  • Adjust Frequency and Timing: Experiment with the frequency and timing of your campaigns to find the optimal schedule that maximizes sales without overwhelming your subscribers.

Example Use


What's my Klaviyo Sales Percentage for the past 7 days?
