Snapchat CV



Snapchat Conversion Value (Snapchat CV) refers to the total conversion value as reported by Snapchat.


Snapchat CV = Total Snapchat-Reported Conversion Value

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Ads table
Snapchat Ads = where channel = 'snapchat-ads'

Insights and Actions

Snapchat Conversion Value (Snapchat CV) allows you to track the total revenue generated through Snapchat Ads, helping to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns. Monitoring this metric can guide strategic decisions on optimizing ad spend:

  • Evaluate Campaign Profitability: Use CV to determine which campaigns generate the most revenue, allowing you to focus on what works best.
  • Optimize Ad Spend: If conversion value is high, you may consider scaling these campaigns, but always check against Snapchat ROAS to ensure profitability.
  • Test New Creative: Low conversion value might signal a need to test different ad creatives or targeting to improve results.

Related Metrics

  • Snapchat Conversions: Provides insight into how many purchases led to the conversion value, helping you understand the quantity versus revenue relationship.
  • Snapchat ROAS: Reveals if the revenue generated is sufficient relative to your ad spend, ensuring profitability.
  • Snapchat Ad Spend: Contextualizes the total amount spent on Snapchat Ads, allowing you to evaluate spend efficiency against conversion value.

Example Use


What's my total Snapchat-reported conversion value over the last 7 days?



  SUM(adt.conversion_value) AS total_conversion_value
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'snapchat-ads'
  AND adt.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;