Shipping Costs



Shipping Costs represent the expenses incurred by the seller for shipping products to customers.


Shipping Costs = Total Shipping Costs to the seller

The calculation is based on data from the Orders table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

  • Shipping Costs = SUM(shipping_costs) --> Orders table

Insights and Actions

Shipping Costs represent the expenses incurred to deliver products to customers, offering insights into logistics and operational efficiency:

  • Control Fulfillment Expenses: Regularly review shipping costs to identify trends or inefficiencies that may require adjustments in carrier contracts or delivery methods.
  • Incorporate Costs into Pricing: Use shipping cost data to ensure product pricing or shipping charges adequately cover delivery expenses, protecting profit margins.
  • Optimize Shipping Strategies: Analyze shipping costs by region or order size to refine logistics strategies, such as offering free shipping thresholds to boost order value while maintaining profitability.

Related Metrics

  • Handling Fees: Complements shipping costs by providing a broader view of logistics expenses, helping to analyze total fulfillment costs.
  • Order Revenue: Contextualizes shipping costs as a percentage of revenue, helping evaluate their impact on profitability.
  • Net Profit: Tracks overall profitability, showing the effect of shipping costs on the bottom line.

Example Use


What are my shipping costs for the last 30 days?



  SUM(ot.shipping_costs) AS total_shipping_costs
  orders_table AS ot
  ot.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 30 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;