Shipping Costs


Shipping Costs refers to the sum of all shipping costs paid by the seller.


Shipping Costs = Total amount of shipping costs to seller

The calculation is based on data from the Orders table.

Insights and Actions

Shipping Costs are a significant operational expense for e-commerce businesses, affecting both profitability and customer satisfaction. Efficiently managing and leveraging Shipping Costs data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Negotiate Better Rates: Use your shipping volume data to negotiate better rates with shipping carriers, reducing per-package costs.
  • Optimize Packaging: Review packaging practices to ensure they're cost-effective and environmentally friendly, potentially reducing shipping costs without compromising product safety.
  • Analyze Shipping Options: Offer customers a variety of shipping options, balancing cost and delivery speed, and analyze which are most popular and cost-effective.
  • Implement Shipping Promotions Strategically: Use shipping costs data to determine the feasibility of free shipping thresholds or promotions to increase average order value while maintaining profitability.

Example Use


What are my shipping costs for the last 30 days?
