Klaviyo Net New Subscribers


Klaviyo Net New Subscribers represents the net growth in subscribers by calculating the difference between new subscribers and unsubscribes.


Klaviyo Net New Subscribers = Klaviyo Subscribed - Klaviyo Unsubscribed

The calculation is based on data from the Email/SMS table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Subscribed = SUM(subscribed_to_list) --> Email/SMS table
Unsubscribed = SUM(unsubscribed) --> Email/SMS table
Klaviyo = where channel = 'klaviyo'

Insights and Actions

Tracking Klaviyo Net New Subscribers helps monitor your list growth and the overall health of your audience. Here are some ways to use this data:

  • Measure Audience Growth: Net new subscribers indicate the success of your subscription efforts and whether your list is growing or shrinking.
  • Evaluate Engagement: A high number of unsubscribes relative to new subscribers may signal engagement issues. Consider revising your content strategy to retain more subscribers.
  • Optimize Lead Magnets: If your net new subscribers are low, experiment with different incentives or content offerings to attract and retain more subscribers.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Use this metric to monitor how different seasons or campaigns affect your subscription growth, allowing you to plan for future peaks or dips.

Example Use


How many net new subscribers were there in Klaviyo over the last 30 days?



  SUM(e.subscribed_to_list) - SUM(e.unsubscribed) AS net_new_subscribers
  email_sms_table AS e
  e.channel = 'klaviyo'
  AND e.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 30 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;