Total Refunds


Total Refunds represents the total amount refunded, not including cost of goods, tax, and shipping.


Total Refunds = The total amount from all refunded orders

The data is imported directly from the shop platform and is stored in the Refunds table.

Insights and Actions

Total Refunds is an essential metric for monitoring the financial health of your business and understanding customer satisfaction. Efficiently leveraging Total Refunds data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Analyze Reasons for Refunds: Dive into the reasons behind refunds to identify product issues or customer service problems that can be addressed to reduce future refunds.
  • Improve Product Quality: Use refund data to pinpoint products with higher refund rates and investigate potential quality or description issues.
  • Refine Return Policy: Assess whether your return policy is too lenient or unclear, leading to higher refunds, and adjust accordingly to protect profitability.
  • Enhance Customer Support: Implement training or new policies for customer support to better solve customer issues before they result in refunds.

Example Use


Show me total refunds for the past 60 days
