Klaviyo Flows Percent of Revenue


Klaviyo Flows Percent of Revenue refers to the percent of total order revenue that comes from Klaviyo Flows.


Klaviyo Flows % of Revenue = Klaviyo Flows CV / Total Order Revenue

The calculation is based on data from the Email/SMS and Orders tables.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Email/SMS table
Klaviyo Flows = where channel = 'klaviyo' AND report_type = 'flow'
Order Revenue = SUM(order_revenue) --> Orders table

Insights and Actions

Klaviyo Flows Percent of Revenue measures the portion of your total revenue that comes from Klaviyo email flows, giving you insight into the impact of your automated email marketing efforts.

  • Measure Email Flow Effectiveness: Track the percentage of revenue generated by Klaviyo flows to understand how much of your total revenue is driven by automated emails.
  • Optimize Flows: Use this metric to identify which flows are most effective and focus on improving underperforming ones to boost their contribution to revenue.
  • Increase Flow Frequency: If flows represent a low percentage of your revenue, consider adding more touchpoints or flows to engage customers and drive sales.
  • Balance Marketing Channels: Compare Klaviyo flows' percentage of revenue with other marketing efforts to ensure a balanced strategy that maximizes total revenue.

Example Use


What percent of my total order revenue over the last 7 days is from Klaviyo flows?



  total_revenue AS (
      SUM(ot.order_revenue) AS total_revenue
      orders_table AS ot
      ot.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1
  klaviyo_flows_revenue AS (
      SUM(est.conversion_value) AS klaviyo_flows_revenue
      email_sms_table AS est
      est.channel = 'klaviyo'
      AND est.report_type = 'flow'
      AND est.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1
  COALESCE(kfr.klaviyo_flows_revenue / tr.total_revenue, 0) AS percentage_klaviyo_flows_revenue
  klaviyo_flows_revenue AS kfr,
  total_revenue AS tr;