Klaviyo Flows CV (Revenue)



Klaviyo Flows Conversion Value (Klaviyo Flows CV; Klaviyo Flows Revenue) refers to the total revenue generated through flows in Klaviyo.


Klaviyo Flows CV = Total Conversion Value from Klaviyo Flows

The calculation is based on data from the Email/SMS table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Email/SMS table
Klaviyo Flows = where channel = 'klaviyo' AND report_type = 'flow'

Insights and Actions

Klaviyo Flows CV tracks the total revenue generated from automated email sequences (flows) in Klaviyo, providing insight into how effective your email flows are at driving sales.

  • Evaluate Flow Performance: Regularly track Klaviyo flows revenue to assess how well your automated email sequences are converting into sales.
  • Optimize Email Sequences: Identify high-performing flows and analyze what drives their success, then apply those strategies to improve underperforming flows.
  • Refine Segmentation: Use flow revenue data to adjust audience segmentation and targeting, focusing on groups that are more likely to generate sales through flows.
  • Scale Successful Flows: Expand successful flows by adding similar automations or increasing the touchpoints within existing flows to maximize revenue potential.

Example Use


What's my total revenue from Klaviyo flows for the last week?



  SUM(est.conversion_value) AS revenue
  email_sms_table AS est
  est.channel = 'klaviyo'
  AND est.report_type = 'flow'
  AND est.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;