Microsoft CV



Microsoft Conversion Value (Microsoft CV) refers to the total conversion value as reported by Microsoft.


Microsoft CV = Total Microsoft-Reported Conversion Value

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Conversion Value (CV) = SUM(conversion_value) --> Ads table
Microsoft Ads = where channel = 'bing'

Insights and Actions

Microsoft Conversion Value helps assess the revenue generated from your Microsoft Ads. Tracking this metric aids in optimizing your ad spend and improving the overall effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

  • Assess Campaign Effectiveness: Track conversion value across campaigns to identify which are delivering the most revenue.
  • Optimize Budget: Focus your ad spend on the campaigns and targeting strategies that generate the highest conversion value.
  • Improve Bidding Strategy: Use conversion value to inform bid adjustments, ensuring you're maximizing return on ad spend.
  • Track Seasonal Impact: Monitor conversion value over time to spot trends related to seasons or specific promotions.

Example Use


What's my total Microsoft-reported conversion value over the last 14 days?



  SUM(adt.conversion_value) AS total_conversion_value
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'bing'
  AND adt.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 14 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;