Snapchat Swipes



Snapchat Swipes refers to the number of clicks as reported by Snapchat.


Snapchat Swipes = Total Snapchat-Reported Swipes

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Swipes = SUM(clicks) --> Ads table
Snapchat Ads = where channel = 'snapchat-ads'

Insights and Actions

Snapchat Swipes track the number of users interacting with your Snapchat ads by swiping up, which is a key indicator of ad engagement. Monitoring swipes can guide optimizations to improve engagement and ad effectiveness:

  • Evaluate Ad Engagement: Swipes indicate user interest in your ad. A high swipe rate suggests your ad is effectively engaging the audience.
  • Optimize Creative: If swipe rates are low, experiment with different ad creatives, such as new visuals or messaging, to improve engagement.
  • Refine Targeting: Low swipe rates might indicate that your ad isn't reaching the right audience. Consider refining your targeting parameters to reach users more likely to engage.

Related Metrics

  • Snapchat Impressions: Helps you understand how many people saw your ad, providing context for your swipe data.
  • Snapchat CTR: Shows the percentage of impressions that resulted in swipes, helping evaluate ad effectiveness.
  • Snapchat Ad Spend: Gives insight into how much you're investing in ads, helping you correlate spend with engagement and performance.

Example Use


What's my total number of Snapchat swipes over the last 7 days?



  SUM(am.clicks) AS total_swipes
  ads_table AS am
WHERE = 'snapchat-ads'
  AND am.event_date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE() - 7 AND CURRENT_DATE()  - 1;