Facebook Ad Spend


Facebook Ad Spend refers to the total amount of money spent on advertising on Facebook.


Facebook Ad Spend = The total amount spent on Facebook ads

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Insights and Actions

Facebook Ad Spend is crucial for measuring the investment in Facebook advertising and its impact on marketing performance. Efficiently leveraging Facebook Ad Spend data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Assess ROI of Facebook Campaigns: Evaluate the return on investment for your Facebook ad spend by comparing it against the revenue generated from Facebook ads.
  • Optimize Budget Allocation: Analyze the performance of different campaigns to reallocate budget towards the most effective ads or audiences on Facebook.
  • Refine Targeting Strategy: Use insights from ad performance to refine your targeting on Facebook, focusing on demographics or interests that yield the best results.
  • Experiment with Ad Formats: Test various Facebook ad formats to determine which ones achieve the best engagement and conversion rates, optimizing future spend.

Example Use


Show my spend on FB for the last 7 days
