Product Analytics Table

The Product Analytics table provides insights into product performance, including sales, orders, and customer metrics. Analyzing this table helps understand sales drivers, purchasing trends, and marketing campaign effectiveness on product sales.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table.


Key Concepts When Using Product Analytics Table

Data Structure

  • The Product Analytics table provides insights at both the product and variant levels. Data is structured to allow users to analyze performance metrics for individual variants (e.g., specific sizes or colors) and aggregate data at the product level (e.g., all sizes and colors of a product).
  • The id field represents either the product_id or variant_id depending on the row, ensuring seamless identification across different levels of granularity.

Metrics and Attribution

  • Metrics such as clicks, impressions, spend, and number_of_ads are proportionally distributed (based on quantity, not price) to products and variants based on their contribution to completed orders, using the Triple Attribution model by default.


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

Event Dateevent_datedateThe date the order was placed. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment of purchase.
Event Dayevent_date.daydateThe day on which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Weekevent_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Monthevent_date.monthdateThe month during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Quarterevent_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Yearevent_date.yeardateThe year during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
EntityentitystringThe entity type of the item.

Example values: product, variant
IDidstringThe unique ID of the product or variant as set within the main sales platform.

Example value: 3891505496131
Inventory Quantityinventory_quantitystringThe current inventory quantity of the product or variant.

Example values: 21749, 57, 332
Product IDproduct_idstringThe unique ID of the product as set within the main sales platform.

Example value: 3891505496131
Product Tagsproduct_tagsrepeated stringTags associated with the product, assigned by the seller in the main sales platform.

Example values: 3-pack, Sale, discount_eligible
Product Titleproduct_titlestringThe title of the product as set within the main sales platform.

Example values: Green Soft Socks 3-Pack, Paring Knife Travel Case, Gift Subscription
SKUskustringThe SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for the product or variant as set within the main sales platform.

Example values: GP-BACK-02, A02630, POP200NAVY
TitletitlestringThe title of the product or variant as set within the main sales platform.

Example values: Paring Knife Travel Case, Gift Subscription, Black, XXL
Variant IDvariant_idstringThe unique ID of the variant as set within the main sales platform.

Example value: 33193425920151
Variant Titlevariant_titlestringThe title of the variant as set within the main sales platform.

Example values: Forest Green, M, iPhone 14 Pro
VendorvendorstringThe vendor of the product or variant.

Example values: Route, Canon, Corso, MyShop


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

ClicksclicksnumericNumber of channel-reported ad clicks proportionally allocated to the product or variant based on its contribution to completed orders.
CustomerscustomersnumericTotal number of unique customers who purchased the product or variant.
Fulfillment Costsfulfillment_costsnumericTotal costs associated with fulfilling orders that include the product or variant.
ImpressionsimpressionsnumericTotal number of ad impressions proportionally allocated to the product or variant based on its contribution to completed orders.
New Customer Fulfillment Costsnew_customer_fulfillment_costsnumericTotal costs associated with fulfilling orders that include the product or variant placed by new customers.
New Customer Ordersnew_customer_ordersnumericThe total number of orders by new customers that contain the product or variant.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
New Customer Revenuenew_customer_revenuenumericThe total revenue derived from orders by new customers that contain the product or variant.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
New Customer Total Items Soldnew_customer_total_items_soldnumericTotal quantity of the product or variant ordered by new customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
New Customer Total Order Valuenew_customer_total_order_valuenumericThe total revenue of orders by new customers that contain the product or variant, before adjustments such as discounts, shipping, fees, taxes, and refunds.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
Adsnumber_of_adsnumericTotal number of ads contributing to orders containing the product or variant.
OrdersordersnumericThe total number of orders that contain the product or variant.
Repeat Customersrepeat_customernumericTotal number of unique customers who purchased the product or variant more than once.
Order RevenuerevenuenumericThe total revenue derived from orders by that contain the product or variant.
Ad SpendspendnumericTotal ad spend proportionally allocated to the product or variant based on its contribution to completed orders.
Units Soldtotal_items_soldnumericThe total number of individual units sold for the product or variant.
Total Order Valuetotal_order_valuenumericThe total revenue of orders that contain the product or variant, before adjustments such as discounts, shipping, fees, taxes, and refunds.


Derived fields are metrics that are pre-calculated using multiple measures or advanced formulas.

Average Purchase Priceavg_purchase_priceformulaThe average price per item sold.

Average Purchase Price = Order Revenue / Total Items Sold
Contribution Margincontribution_marginformulaThe total profit contribution after subtracting fulfillment costs and ad spend from total revenue.

Contribution Margin = Order Revenue - Fulfillment Costs - Ad Spend
Contribution Margin Per Itemcontribution_margin_per_itemformulaThe profit contribution for each item sold.

Contribution Margin Per Item = (Order Revenue - Fulfillment Costs - Ad Spend) / Total Items Sold
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)cpaformulaThe cost to acquire a single paying customer.

CPA = Total Ad Spend / Total Orders
Cost Per Click (CPC)cpcformulaThe average cost for each click on an ad.

CPC = Total Ad Spend / Total Clicks
Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)cpmformulaThe cost to reach 1,000 ad impressions.

CPM = Total Ad Spend / (Total Impressions / 1,000)
Click-Through Rate (CTR)ctrformulaThe percentage of ad impressions that resulted in clicks.

CTR = Total Clicks / Total Impressions
Gross Profitgross_profitformulaThe total profit excluding fulfillment costs.

Gross Profit = Revenue - Fulfillment Costs
New Customer AOVnew_customer_aovformulaThe average order value for new customers, indicating the average spend per order by new customers.

New Customer AOV = New Customer Total Order Value / New Customer Orders
New Customer CPAnew_customer_cpaformulaThe cost to acquire a single new paying customer.

New Customer CPA = Total Ad Spend / New Customer Orders
New Customer Gross Profitnew_customer_gross_profitformulaThe gross profit generated from new customers.

New Customer Gross Profit = New Customer Revenue - New Customer Fulfillment Costs
New Customer ROASnew_customer_roasformulaRevenue generated from new customers relative to ad spend.

New Customer ROAS = New Customer Revenue / Ad Spend
Product AOVproduct_aovformulaThe average order value for products, representing the average amount spent per order.

Product AOV = Total Order Value / Total Orders
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)roasformulaThe total revenue generated relative to ad spend.

ROAS = Order Revenue / Ad Spend