Pinterest CPC



Pinterest Cost Per Click (Pinterest CPC) refers to the Pinterest-reported cost for each click on a Pinterest ad.


Pinterest CPC = Pinterest Ad Spend / Pinterest Ad Clicks

The calculation is based on data from the Ads table.

Detailed Breakdown

The formula above is derived from the following components:

Ad Spend = SUM(spend) --> Ads table
Clicks = SUM(clicks) --> Ads table
Pinterest Ads = where channel = 'pinterest-ads'

Insights and Actions

Pinterest CPC helps you track how cost-effective your Pinterest ads are at generating clicks. Efficiently managing CPC can help you optimize your budget:

  • Monitor Ad Efficiency: Use CPC to evaluate how well your budget is translating into user engagement. High CPC may signal inefficient ad spend.
  • Test Ad Creatives: Low click-through rates paired with high CPC could indicate that your creative needs improvement to capture attention.
  • Refine Targeting: If CPC is rising, adjust your audience targeting to focus on higher-converting segments that lower your cost per click.
  • Optimize Ad Bidding: Review your bidding strategy to ensure that you’re getting the most value for your spend.

Related Metrics

  • Pinterest CTR: See how many clicks your ads are generating in relation to impressions, providing further insight into engagement.
  • Pinterest ROAS: Evaluate if the clicks you’re paying for are translating into revenue and driving returns.
  • Pinterest Conversions: Ensure your clicks are leading to actual purchases and not just traffic.

Example Use


What was my Pinterest CPC for yesterday?



SELECT AS channel,
  COALESCE(SUM(adt.spend) / NULLIF(SUM(adt.clicks), 0), 0) AS cpc
  ads_table AS adt
WHERE = 'pinterest-ads'
  AND adt.event_date = CURRENT_DATE() - 1