Pixel Joined Table


The Pixel Joined table combines essential advertising and transaction data, giving users insights into how campaigns, ad sets, and ads drive revenue, customer acquisition, and ROAS. This unified view supports better marketing strategies and optimized budget allocation for improved ROI.


Key Concepts When Using Pixel Joined Table

Aggregation and Attribution

  • The Ads table is the core of the Pixel Joined table. Additional tables (e.g., Orders, Email/SMS, Refunds) are outer joined dynamically based on which columns are queried.
  • Data is aggregated at the ad level, with Triple Attribution model and Lifetime attribution window applied by default.


  • Channel-Reported data (e.g., channel_reported_conversions, channel_reported_conversion_value) comes directly from ad platforms, reflecting channel-specific data.
  • Pixel-Reported data (e.g., orders_quantity, order_revenue) is captured via Triple Whale Pixel and the shop platform (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce), providing detailed order insights from e-commerce platforms.

Order Data in Pixel Joined vs. Pixel Orders tables

  • Order data in the Pixel Joined table comes from the ad platform (e.g. Facebook, TikTok), and is collected and aggregated according to the ad it's associated with. Orders made via onsite channel shops (e.g. Meta Shop and TikTok Shop) are included in the orders data in the Pixel Joined table.
  • In contrast, order data in the Pixel Orders table comes from the main shop platform (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce) along with the Triple Pixel. Orders made via onsite channel shops (e.g. Meta Shop and TikTok Shop) are not included in the Pixel Orders table.
  • This difference results in potential discrepancies between the two tables. The Pixel Joined table may show higher order counts for ads on platforms with onsite shops (e.g. Meta, TikTok) due to additional channel-reported orders that aren’t tracked in the Pixel Orders table.

Simulated Query Behavior

  • group by attribution_window and group by model will not work on certain complex queries, because the Pixel Joined table functions as a simulated view rather than a standard SQL table. It dynamically processes data based on user queries, which can introduce constraints compared to typical SQL behavior.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table. By default refers to the purchase date.


Parameters can be used to customize and filter the data in the table.

City Filtercity_filterFilters results by city.
Country Filtercountry_filterFilters results by country.
Include Custom Ad Spendinclude_custom_ad_spendIncludes custom ad spend in the spend column.

Possible: True, False
Order Tags Filterorder_tags_filterFilters orders by tags. Matches any order containing the specified comma-separated tags.
Subscription Filtersubscription_filterFilters results by subscription type.

Possible values: none, subscription_first_order, subscription_recurring_order, subscription_order, non-subscription_order, non_subscription_recurring_order
Use Click Dateuse_click_dateUses click date instead of purchase date for event_date.

Possible values: True, False


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

Event Hourevent_hourstringThe hour of the day on which the ad was run or the order was placed, according to a 24-hour clock. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment of the event.

Example values: 07, 16, 21
Event Dateevent_datedateThe date the ad was run or the order was placed. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment the event occurred.
Event Dayevent_date.daydateThe day on which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Weekevent_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Monthevent_date.monthdateThe month during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Quarterevent_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Event Yearevent_date.yeardateThe year during which the event occurred. Derived from event_date.
Ad Bid Amountad_bid_amountstringThe bid amount for the ad.

Example values: 15, 28, 30
Ad Copyad_copystringThe full text (copy) of the ad.
Ad IDad_idstringThe unique ad ID. Assigned by the ad platform.

Example value: 120210439891110007
Ad Image URLad_image_urlstringThe URL of the ad image.

Example value: https://www.example.com/ad-image.jpg
Ad Namead_namestringThe name of the ad.

Example values: Kids Ad 1, Read Our Latest Blog 03/12/2023, 8 best fall looks
Ad Statusad_statusstringThe status of the ad.

Example values: active, paused
Ad Typead_typestringThe format of the ad.

Example values: video, image, copy
Ad Set Bid Amountadset_bid_amountstringThe bid amount for the ad set.

Example values: 25, 35, 40
Ad Set Bid Strategyadset_bid_strategystringThe bidding strategy for the ad set.

Ad Set Daily Budgetadset_daily_budgetstringThe daily budget (in cents) set for the ad set within a campaign. By default shown in the shop's currency.

Example values: 1750, 6000, 40000
Ad Set IDadset_idstringThe unique ID for the ad set associated with the ad click. Assigned by the ad platform.

Example value: 120210439890740003
Ad Set Lifetime Budgetadset_lifetime_budgetstringThe total budget (in cents) set for the ad set within a campaign over its lifetime. By default shown in the shop's currency.

Example values: 5000, 10000, 20000
Ad Set Nameadset_namestringThe name of the ad set within a campaign.

Example values: Broad Audience, Bracelets, Wellness
Ad Set Statusadset_statusstringThe status of the ad set.

Example values: active, paused
Attribution Windowattribution_windowstringThe time frame for attributing conversions to the ad. By default lifetime.

Example values: 1_day, 7_days, 14_days, 28_days, lifetime
Campaign Bid Strategycampaign_bid_strategystringThe bidding strategy for the campaign.

Campaign Daily Budgetcampaign_daily_budgetstringThe daily budget (in cents) for the campaign.

Example values: 8000, 10000, 15000
Campaign IDcampaign_idstringThe unique ID for the marketing campaign associated with the ad. Assigned by the ad platform.

Example values: 23852438666180053, 531011533, 20620285829
Campaign Lifetime Budgetcampaign_lifetime_budgetstringThe lifetime budget (in cents) for the campaign.

Example values: 5000, 10000, 20000
Campaign Namecampaign_namestringThe name of the marketing campaign associated with the ad.

Example values: Catalog Retargeting, US Generic Search, Breakfast of Champions Campaign
Campaign Statuscampaign_statusstringThe status of the campaign.

Example values: active, paused
ChannelchannelstringThe platform through which the ad was delivered.

Example values: facebook-ads, google-ads, Direct
Destination URLdestination_urlstringThe destination URL where users land after clicking the ad.

Example value: https://www.myshop.com/products/productA
Attribution ModelmodelstringThe attribution model used. By default Triple Attribution.

Example values: Triple Attribution, Last Click, First Click, Linear All, Total Impact, Triple Attribution + Views, Linear Paid
URL Templateurl_templatestringA template URL used to dynamically populate ad URLs with relevant tracking parameters.

Example value: utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign={{campaign.name}}
Video URLvideo_urlstringThe URL of the ad video.

Example value: https://www.youtube.com/embed/example


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

Pixel Add to Cartsadd_to_cartsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of Add To Carts from unique customers.
Pixel BouncesbouncesnumericThe Pixel-reported number of single-page sessions where the visitor left the site after a single page view.
Channel-Reported Conversion Valuechannel_reported_conversion_valuenumericRevenue generated from channel-reported conversions (purchases).
Channel-Reported Conversions (Purchases)channel_reported_conversionsnumericNumber of channel-reported conversions (purchases).
Channel-Reported Onsite Conversion Valuechannel_reported_onsite_conversion_valuenumericRevenue from channel-reported purchases made on the ad channel shop (e.g. Meta Shop, TikTok Shop).
Channel-Reported Onsite Purchaseschannel_reported_onsite_purchasesnumericNumber of channel-reported purchases made on the ad channel shop (e.g. Meta Shop, TikTok Shop).
Channel-Reported Visitschannel_reported_visitsnumericNumber of channel-reported visits.
ClicksclicksnumericNumber of channel-reported clicks.
Pixel Cost of GoodscogsnumericThe cost of goods for Pixel-reported purchases within the selected time frame (before refunds).

Imported from the main sales platform, or edit these in Cost Settings > Cost of Goods.

Note that COGS for Pixel data is set at attribution time and does not get updated subsequently, so may vary from COGS data in the Orders table.
SMS Messages DelivereddeliverednumericThe channel-reported number of messages that successfully reached the recipients' phones.
Pixel Email Signupsemail_signupsnumericThe Pixel-reported total number of users who signed up for the mailing list during a session.
Pixel Gross Salesgross_product_salesnumericPixel-reported gross sales, before adjustments such as discounts, shipping, fees, taxes, and refunds.

Gross Sales = Product Price x Units Sold
ImpressionsimpressionsnumericNumber of channel-reported impressions.
Pixel New Customer Cost of Goodsnew_customer_cogsnumericThe cost of goods for Pixel-reported purchases by new customers within the selected time frame (before refunds).

Imported from the main sales platform, or edit these in Cost Settings > Cost of Goods.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies. Also note that COGS for Pixel data is set at attribution time and does not get updated subsequently, so may vary from COGS data in the Orders table.
Pixel New Customer Conversion Valuenew_customer_order_revenuenumericPixel-reported conversion value (order revenue) derived from New Customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
Pixel New Customer Purchasesnew_customer_ordersnumericNumber of Pixel-reported orders placed by New Customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
Pixel New Visitorsnew_visitorsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of first-time visitors to the site.
One-Day View Conversion Valueone_day_view_conversion_valuenumericThe total value of channel-reported purchases made within one day of viewing the ad.
One-Day View Purchasesone_day_view_purchasesnumericThe total number of channel-reported purchases made within one day of viewing the ad.
OpensopenednumericThe channel-reported number of times the email/sms was opened by recipients.
Pixel Conversion Value (CV)order_revenuenumericPixel-reported conversion value (order revenue), after adjustments such as discounts, shipping, fees, and taxes (but before refunds).

Order Revenue = Gross Sales - Discounts + Shipping + Tax
Pixel Purchasesorders_quantitynumericThe total number of Pixel-reported purchases (orders) within the selected timeframe.

Note: This value is calculated based on the attribution model, and may be a fractional number.
Outbound Clicksoutbound_clicksnumericNumber of channel-reported outbound clicks.
Received MessagesreceivednumericThe channel-reported number of email messages successfully received by the target audience.
Refundsrefund_moneynumericRefund value processed during the selected time period, based on the order date (not including refunded cost of goods, taxes, and shipping).

Note that Triple Whale does not track refunds from third-party return management apps (e.g., Loop), so totals may vary from the main sales platform.
SMS Messages SentsentnumericThe channel-reported number of SMS messages sent in the campaign.
Pixel Page Viewssession_page_viewsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of pages viewed.
Pixel SessionssessionsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of online store sessions.

Note that Triple Whale defines and tracks sessions differently from the main sales platform so there may be variance between the two. Learn how Triple Whale defines and tracks sessions.
Ad SpendspendnumericChannel-reported ad spend, excluding any custom expenses marked as ad spend.
Subscribed to Mailing Listsubscribed_to_listnumericThe channel-reported number of recipients subscribed to any mailing list.
Pixel Time on Sitetime_on_sitenumericThe Pixel-reported time spent by users on the site during a session, measured in seconds.
Pixel Unique Visitorsunique_visitorsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of unique visitors to the site.
UnsubscribedunsubscribednumericThe channel-reported number of recipients who unsubscribed from any mailing list.
Website Purchaseswebsite_purchasesnumericPixel-reported purchases (orders) during a website session. Excludes recurring subscription purchases.


Derived fields are metrics that are pre-calculated using multiple measures or advanced formulas.

Pixel Average Page Views Per Sessionaverage_page_views_per_sessionformulaThe average number of pages viewed by users during each session.

Pixel Average Page Views Per Session = Session Page Views / Number of Sessions
Pixel Average Session Durationaverage_session_durationformulaThe average time users spend on your site per session.

Pixel Average Session Duration (in seconds) = Time on Site / (Number of Sessions - Number of Bounces)
Pixel Bounce Ratebounce_rateformulaThe percentage of single-page visits (bounces) out of total sessions.

Pixel Bounce Rate = Number of Bounces / Number of Sessions
Channel-Reported AOVchannel_reported_aovformulaThe average order value as reported by the advertising channel.

Channel-Reported AOV = Channel-Reported Conversion Value / Number of Channel-Reported Conversions
Channel-Reported Conversion Ratechannel_reported_conversion_rateformulaThe percentage of visits that convert into orders, as reported by the channel.

Channel-Reported Conversion Rate = Number of Channel-Reported Conversions / Number of Visits
Channel-Reported Cost Per Acquisitionchannel_reported_cpaformulaThe cost to acquire a single conversion, as reported by the channel.

Channel-Reported CPA = Ad Spend / Number of Channel-Reported Conversions
Channel-Reported Return on Ad Spendchannel_reported_roasformulaRevenue generated per dollar spent on ads, as reported by the channel.

Channel-Reported ROAS = Channel-Reported Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Cost Per Click (CPC)cpcformulaThe average cost for each ad click.

Cost Per Click (CPC) = Ad Spend / Clicks
Cost Per Mille (CPM)cpmformulaThe cost for 1,000 ad impressions.

Cost Per Mille (CPM) = Ad Spend / Impressions x 1000
Cost Per Visit (CPV)cpvformulaThe cost for each visit driven by ads.

Cost Per Visit (CPV) = Ad Spend / Number of Visits
Click-Through RatectrformulaThe percentage of impressions that result in a click.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) = Clicks / Impressions
Pixel Email Signup Rateemail_signup_rateformulaThe percentage of sessions that result in email signups.

Pixel Email SUR = Number of Email Signups / Number of Sessions
Pixel New Customer Cost Per AcquisitionncpaformulaThe cost to acquire a new customer, as reported by Pixel.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel NCPA = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Pixel New Customer ROASncroasformulaRevenue from new customers relative to ad spend.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel NC ROAS = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Pixel New Customers Percentnew_customers_percentformulaThe percentage of Pixel-reported purchases made by new customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel New Customers % = Number of New Customer Pixel Purchases / Total Pixel Purchases
Outbound Click-Through Rateoutbound_ctrformulaThe percentage of impressions that result in outbound clicks.

Outbound CTR = Outbound Clicks / Impressions
Pixel AOVpixel_aovformulaThe Pixel-reported average order value.

Pixel AOV = Pixel Conversion Value / Number of Pixel Purchases
Pixel Conversion Ratepixel_conversion_rateformulaThe percentage of sessions that result in purchases, as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Conversion Rate = Number of Pixel Purchases / Number of Sessions
Pixel Conversion Value Deltapixel_conversion_value_deltaformulaThe difference between Pixel-reported conversion value and channel-reported conversion value.

Pixel CV Delta = Pixel Conversion Value - Channel-Reported Conversion Value
Pixel Cost Per Add To Cartpixel_cost_per_add_to_cartformulaThe cost associated with each add-to-cart action as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Cost Per ATC = Ad Spend / Number of Add to Carts
Pixel Cost Per Email Signuppixel_cost_per_email_signupformulaThe cost associated with each email signup as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Cost Per ESU = Ad Spend / Number of Email Signups
Pixel Cost Per New Visitorpixel_cost_per_new_visitorformulaThe cost to acquire a new visitor as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Cost Per New Visitor = Ad Spend / Number of New Visitors
Pixel Cost Per Visitorpixel_cost_per_visitorformulaThe cost to acquire a unique visitor as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Cost Per Visitor = Ad Spend / Number of Unique Visitors
Pixel Cost Per Acquisitionpixel_cpaformulaThe cost to acquire a purchase as reported by Pixel.

Pixel CPA = Ad Spend / Number of Pixel Purchases
Pixel New Customer Average Order Valuepixel_nc_aovformulaThe average order value for new customers as reported by Pixel.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel NC AOV = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Number of New Customer Pixel Purchases
Pixel New Customer Conversion Ratepixel_nc_conversion_rateformulaThe conversion rate for new customers as reported by Pixel.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel NC CR = Number of New Customer Pixel Purchases / Number of New Visitors
Pixel New Visitor Percentpixel_new_visitor_percentformulaThe percentage of all visitors that are new as reported by Pixel.

Pixel New Visitor % = Number of New Visitors / Number of Unique Visitors
Pixel Profitpixel_profitformulaThe profit calculated as conversion value (order revenue) minus ad spend and cost of goods, as reported by Pixel.

Pixel Profit = Pixel Conversion Value - Ad Spend - Pixel COGS
Pixel Return on Ad Spendpixel_roasformulaPixel-reported revenue relative to ad spend.

Pixel ROAS = Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Pixel Returning Customer Purchasesreturning_customer_ordersformulaNumber of Pixel-reported orders placed by Returning Customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
Pixel Returning Customer Revenuereturning_customer_revenueformulaPixel-reported conversion value (order revenue) derived from Returning Customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.
Pixel Returning Customers Percent returning_customers_percentformulaThe percentage of Pixel-reported purchases made by Returning Customers.

Note that Triple Whale classifies all customers as either new or returning, while the main sales platform may leave some unclassified, potentially leading to discrepancies.

Pixel New Customers % = Number of Returning Customer Pixel Purchases / Total Pixel Purchases