Percentage of New Customers


Percentage of New Customers represents the proportion of first-time customers within a specific period relative to the total number of customers.


Percentage of New Customers = (New Customers / Total Customers)

The calculation is based on data from the Orders table.

Insights and Actions

The Percentage of New Customers metric is crucial for assessing how effectively a business attracts first-time buyers. Efficiently leveraging this data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Marketing Strategy Evaluation: Use this metric to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in attracting new customers and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Customer Experience Enhancement: Analyze feedback from new customers to identify areas for improvement in the shopping experience, aiming to increase customer retention.
  • Target Audience Refinement: Refine your targeting by analyzing common characteristics among new customers to improve future marketing campaigns' efficiency.
  • Product and Service Adaptation: Consider adapting your products or services based on the preferences and behaviors of new customers to better meet market demands.

Example Use


Show me the percentage of new customers for the last quarter
