The Sessions table tracks unique visits to your website, capturing key information like the session's start time, visitor device details, and the source of traffic. Querying this table reveals patterns in site engagement, such as peak visit times, popular devices, and effective marketing channels, enabling targeted improvements and strategic planning.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table.

A session in Triple Whale is defined as a visit on your website from a Direct, Referral, or UTM source. Sessions are unique per visitor and per tab. A new session starts after 30 minutes of inactivity, or when navigating to a URL with different UTM parameters.


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

event_datedateThe date the session started.Triple Pixel
event_date.daydateThe day the session started. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the session started. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the session started. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the session started. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the session started. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_hourstringThe hour of the day the session started, according to a 24-hour clock. Based on the time zone of the shop at the start time of the session.

Example values: 07, 16, 21
Triple Pixel
event_date_timezonestringThe time zone in which the event_date and event_hour are based.Triple Pixel
is_new_visitorbooleanTrue if the session was initiated by a first-time visitor.Triple Pixel
session_start_tstimestampThe time at which the visitor initiated the session. Formatted according to the ISO 8601 international standard.

Example value: 2022-06-15T19:26:30.000Z
Triple Pixel
domainstringThe domain through which the session was initiated (e.g. your shop website domain).Triple Pixel
landing_pagestringThe URL path (without query parameters) of the page the visitor landed after clicking on an ad or link, indicating the first page viewed in a session.Triple Pixel
triple_idstringThe unique ID assigned by Triple Pixel to track visitors across sessions.

Example value: cltlok4y634IRw62AZ
Triple Pixel
session_idstringThe unique session ID assigned by Triple Pixel.

Example value: cltlok4y634IRw62AZ_1710700966152
Triple Pixel
channelstringThe platform through which the ad was delivered. Derived from UTM parameters and standardized (e.g. fb becomes facebook-ads).

Example values: facebook-ads, tiktok-ads, Direct
Triple Pixel
campaign_idstringThe unique ID for the marketing campaign associated with the session. Derived from UTM parameters.Triple Pixel
ad_set_idstringThe unique ID for the ad set associated with the session. Assigned by the ad platform, captured by Triple Pixel in the UTM query parameters.Triple Pixel, Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Bing, Amazon, Criteo, Klaviyo, Taboola, Outbrain
ad_idstringThe unique ID for the ad associated with the session. Assigned by the ad platform, captured by Triple Pixel in the UTM query parameters.Triple Pixel, Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Bing, Amazon, Criteo, Mountain, Klaviyo, Taboola, Outbrain
devicestringThe type of device used by the visitor (e.g. desktop, tablet, mobile, wearable) for the session.Triple Pixel
device_modelstringThe device model used by the visitor (e.g. iPhone 12, Galaxy S21).Triple Pixel
browserstringThe web browser used by the visitor for the session (e.g. Chrome, Safari).Triple Pixel
countrystringThe country from which the session originated.

Note: Same as session_country in the Pixel Orders table.
Triple Pixel
citystringThe city from which the session originated.

Note: Same as session_city in the Pixel Orders table.
Triple Pixel
utm_mediumstringThe marketing medium used in the campaign (e.g. paid, sms, cpc), passed in the UTM query parameters.Triple Pixel
utm_sourcestringThe source of traffic to the site (e.g. Instagram, Google, Facebook), passed in the UTM query parameters.Triple Pixel


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

Session Page Viewssession_page_viewsnumericThe total number of page views during the session.Triple Pixel
Session Durationsession_elapsed_timenumericThe total duration of time elapsed during the session, measured in seconds.Triple Pixel


Derived fields are metrics that are pre-calculated using multiple measures or advanced formulas.

Sessionssession_countformulaThe total number of unique sessions.Triple Pixel