Google Conversion Value (Google CV)


Google Conversion Value (Google CV) refers to the total conversion value as reported by Google.


Google CV = Total Google-reported conversion value

The calculation is based on data from the Pixel Joined table.

Insights and Actions

Google Conversion Value (Google CV) is crucial for assessing the revenue impact of Google Ads on your e-commerce business. Efficiently leveraging Google CV data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Evaluate Google Ads ROI: Compare Google Conversion Value against Google Ad Spend to assess the return on investment, helping to determine the profitability of your Google Ads campaigns.
  • Optimize Ad Spend: Use Google CV insights to reallocate budget towards high-performing campaigns and keywords that generate the most revenue.
  • Refine Targeting and Bidding Strategies: Analyze which audiences, ad formats, and bidding strategies contribute to higher Google CV, and adjust your campaigns to capitalize on these insights.
  • Enhance Product and Landing Page Performance: Identify which products and landing pages are driving the highest revenue from Google Ads and optimize them for even better performance.

Example Use


What's my total Google-reported conversion value over the last 14 days?
