Facebook Cost per Acquisition (Facebook CPA)


Facebook Cost per Acquisition (Facebook CPA) measures the aggregate Facebook marketing cost to acquire one paying customer.


Facebook CPA = Facebook Ad Spend / Facebook Orders

The calculation is based on data from the Pixel Joined table.

Insights and Actions

Facebook Cost per Acquisition (Facebook CPA) is crucial for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of acquiring customers through Facebook advertising. Efficiently leveraging Facebook CPA data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Optimize Ad Targeting: Analyze CPA across different audience segments to identify and focus on those with the lowest acquisition cost.
  • Refine Ad Creatives: Test various ad formats and creative strategies to determine which yield lower CPAs, indicating higher efficiency in attracting paying customers.
  • Adjust Budget Allocation: Shift your Facebook ad budget towards campaigns and ad sets that demonstrate a lower CPA, ensuring more efficient use of marketing funds.
  • Evaluate Offer and Landing Page Performance: Use CPA as a metric to assess how compelling your offer and how effective your landing pages are in converting Facebook traffic into customers.

Example Use


What's my Facebook CPA over the last 30 days?
