TikTok Return on Ad Spend (TikTok ROAS)


TikTok Return on Ad Spend (TikTok ROAS) evaluates the efficiency and profitability of your TikTok advertising campaigns.


TikTok ROAS = TikTok Ads Revenue / TikTok Ad Spend

The calculation is based on data from the Pixel Joined table.

Insights and Actions

TikTok Return on Ad Spend (TikTok ROAS) is vital for measuring the effectiveness of your advertising investment on TikTok. Efficiently leveraging TikTok ROAS data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Campaign Optimization: Analyze which TikTok campaigns have the highest ROAS and investigate what makes them successful for replication in future campaigns.
  • Creative Strategy Refinement: Identify ad creatives with the best performance in terms of ROAS to guide creative development and testing strategies.
  • Audience Targeting Adjustment: Use ROAS data to refine your targeting on TikTok, focusing on demographics, interests, or behaviors that yield the highest return.
  • Budget Reallocation: Shift more of your advertising budget to TikTok if it demonstrates a higher ROAS compared to other platforms, optimizing overall marketing spend.

Example Use


What's my TikTok ROAS the last 30 days?
