
The Pixel Joined table function merges crucial advertising and transaction data to provide a comprehensive picture of advertising performance and its direct impact on sales. By querying this view, users can draw insights into how different advertising campaigns, ad sets, and ads drive order revenue, influence customer acquisition, and affect overall return on ad spend (ROAS). This unified perspective aids in optimizing marketing strategies and budget allocation for better ROI.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table.



The Pixel Joined table is intended for aggregate analysis using Triple Pixel attribution data. The Triple Attribution model is applied by default.


Parameters can be used to customize and filter the data in the table.

Subscription Filtersubscription_filterFilters data based on subscription type.

Possible values: none, subscription_first_order, subscription_recurring_order, subscription_order, non-subscription_order, non_subscription_recurring_order
Country Filtercountry_filterFilters data by country.
Use Click Dateuse_click_dateUses date the click occurred, rather than the date the purchase event occurred, for the value of event_date.

Possible values: True, False


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

event_datedateThe date the ad was run or the order was placed. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment of the event.
event_date.daydateThe day on which the ad was run or the order was placed. Derived from event_date.
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the ad was run or the order was placed. Derived from event_date.
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the ad was run or the order was placed. Derived from event_date.
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the ad was run or the order was placed. Derived from event_date.
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the ad was run or the order was placed. Derived from event_date.
channelstringThe platform through which the ad was delivered.

Example values: facebook-ads, google-ads, tiktok-ads
campaign_idstringThe unique ID for the marketing campaign associated with the ad. Assigned by the publisher platform.

Example values: 23852438666180053, 531011533, 20620285829
ad_set_idstringThe unique ad set ID for the ad set associated with the ad click.

Assigned by the publisher platform. Example value: 120210439890740003
ad_idstringThe unique ad ID. Assigned by the publisher platform.

Example value: 120210439891110007
campaign_namestringThe name of the marketing campaign associated with the ad.

Example values: Catalog Retargeting, US Generic Search, Breakfast of Champions Campaign
ad_set_namestringThe name of the ad set within a campaign.

Example values: Broad Audience, Bracelets, Wellness
ad_namestringThe name of the specific ad.

Example values: Kids Ad 1, Read Our Latest Blog 03/12/2023, 8 best fall looks
campaign_statusstringThe status of the campaign.

Example values: active, paused
ad_set_statusstringThe status of the adset.

Example values: active, paused
ad_statusstringThe status of the ad.

Example values: active, paused
ad_copystringThe full text (copy) of the ad.
ad_image_urlstringThe URL of the ad image.

Example value: https://www.example.com/ad-image.jpg
ad_typestringThe format of the ad.

Example values: video, image, copy
video_urlstringThe URL of the ad video.

Example values: https://www.youtube.com/embed/example
campaign_daily_budgetstringThe daily budget for the campaign.

Example values: 8000, 10000, 15000
adset_daily_budgetstringThe daily budget for the ad set.

Example values: 1750, 600, 4000
campaign_lifetime_budgetstringThe lifetime budget for the campaign.
adset_lifetime_budgetstringThe lifetime budget for the ad set.
campaign_bid_strategystringThe bidding strategy for the campaign.

adset_bid_strategystringThe bidding strategy for the ad set.

ad_bid_amountstringThe bid amount for the ad.

Example values: 15, 28, 30
adset_bid_amountstringThe bid amount for the ad set.

Example values: 25, 35, 40
modelstringThe attribution model used.

Example values: Triple Attribution, Last Click, First Click, Linear All, Total Impact, Triple Attribution + Views, Linear Paid

Note: group by model will not work on certain complex queries, since the Pixel Joined view is an emulator and does not run standard SQL behind the scenes.
attribution_windowstringThe time frame for attributing conversions to the ad.

Example values: 1_day, 7_days, 14_days, 28_days, lifetime

Note: group by attribution_window will not work on certain complex queries, since the Pixel Joined view is an emulator and does not run standard SQL behind the scenes.


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

Pixel Conversion Value (CV)order_revenuenumericPixel-reported conversion value (order revenue), after adjustments such as discounts, shipping, refunds, fees, and taxes.
Pixel Gross Salesgross_product_salesnumericPixel-reported gross sales, before adjustments such as discounts, shipping, refunds, fees, and taxes.
Pixel Purchasesorders_quantitynumericThe total number of Pixel-reported purchases (orders) within the selected timeframe.

Note: This value is calculated based on the attribution model, and may be a fractional number.
Pixel New Customer Purchasesnew_customer_ordersnumericNumber of Pixel-reported purchases placed by New Customers.
Pixel New Customer Revenuenew_customer_order_revenuenumericAmount of Pixel-reported revenue derived from New Customers.
Pixel Cost of GoodscogsnumericThe cost of goods for Pixel-reported purchases within the selected time frame, minus the cost of goods of refunded items in this time frame.
Pixel New Customer Cost of Goodsnew_customer_cogsnumericThe cost of goods for Pixel-reported purchases by new customers within the selected time frame, minus the cost of goods of refunded items in this time frame.
Channel-Reported Ad SpendspendnumericChannel-Reported Ad Spend (without Custom Expenses)
ClicksclicksnumericNumber of clicks
Outbound Clicksoutbound_clicksnumericNumber of outbound clicks
ImpressionsimpressionsnumericNumber of impressions
Channel-Reported Conversion Valuechannel_reported_conversion_valuenumericChannel-reported revenue generated from conversions
Channel-Reported Purchaseschannel_reported_conversionsnumericNumber of channel-reported conversions
Meta Purchasesmeta_facebook_ordersnumericNumber of purchases made on Facebook/Instagram/Meta Shop
Meta Conversion Valuemeta_conversion_valuenumericChannel-reported revenue from purchases made on Facebook/Instagram/Meta Shop
One-Day View Conversion Valueone_day_view_conversion_valuenumericThe total number of channel-reported purchases made within one day of viewing the ad.
One-Day View Purchasesone_day_view_purchasesnumericThe total value of channel-reported purchases made within one day of viewing the ad.
Channel-Reported Visitschannel_reported_visitsnumericNumber of channel-reported visits
OpenedopenednumericThe channel-reported number of times the email/sms was opened by recipients.
ReceivedreceivednumericThe channel-reported number of email/sms messages successfully received by the target audience.
SMS Messages SentsentnumericThe channel-reported number of SMS messages sent in the campaign.
SMS Messages DelivereddeliverednumericThe channel-reported number of messages that successfully reached the recipients' phones.
Subscribed to Mailing Listsubscribed_to_listnumericThe channel-reported number of recipients subscribed to any communication.
UnsubscribedunsubscribednumericThe channel-reported number of recipients who unsubscribed from any communication.
Pixel SessionssessionsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of online store sessions.
Pixel New Visitorsnew_visitorsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of first-time visitors to the site.
Pixel Unique Visitorsunique_visitorsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of unique visitors to the site.
Pixel Page Viewssession_page_viewsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of pages viewed.
Pixel Time on Sitetime_on_sitenumericThe Pixel-reported time spent by users on the site during a session, measured in seconds.
Pixel BouncesbouncesnumericThe Pixel-reported number of single-page sessions where the visitor left the site after a single page view.
Pixel Add to Cartsadd_to_cartsnumericThe Pixel-reported number of Add To Carts from unique customers.
Pixel Email Signupsemail_signupsnumericTThe Pixel-reported total number of users who signed up for the mailing list during a session.
Website Purchaseswebsite_purchasesnumericPixel-reported purchases during a website session (excludes recurring subscription purchases)


Derived fields are metrics that are pre-calculated using multiple measures or advanced formulas.

Pixel Return on Ad Spendpixel_roasformulaPixel ROAS = Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Channel-Reported Return on Ad Spendchannel_reported_roasformulaChannel-Reported ROAS = Channel-Reported Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Pixel Returning Customer Purchasesreturning_customer_ordersformulaNumber of Pixel-reported orders placed by Returning Customers.
Pixel Returning Customer Revenuereturning_customer_revenueformulaAmount of Pixel-reported revenue derived from Returning Customers.
Pixel AOVpixel_aovformulaPixel AOV = Pixel Conversion Value / Number of Pixel Purchases
Pixel New Customer AOVpixel_nc_aovformulaPixel NC AOV = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Number of New Customer Pixel Purchases
Channel-Reported AOVchannel_reported_aovformulaChannel-Reported AOV = Channel-Reported Conversion Value / Number of Channel-Reported Conversions
Pixel Profitpixel_profitformulaPixel Profit = Pixel Conversion Value - Ad Spend - Pixel COGS
Pixel New Customers %new_customers_percentformulaPercentage of Pixel-reported purchases by New Customers.
Pixel Returning Customers %returning_customers_percentformulaPercentage of Pixel-reported purchases by Returning Customers.
Pixel New Customer ROASncroasformulaPixel NC ROAS = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Cost Per MillecpmformulaCost Per 1000 Impressions.

Cost Per Mille (CPM) = Ad Spend / Impressions x 1000
Click-Through RatectrformulaClick-Through Rate (CTR) = Clicks / Impressions
Outbound Click-Through Rateoutbound_ctrformulaOutbound CTR = Outbound Clicks / Impressions
Cost Per ClickcpcformulaCost for each click on an ad.
Pixel Cost Per Acquisitionpixel_cpaformulaPixel CPA = Ad Spend / Number of Pixel Purchases
Channel-Reported Cost Per Acquisitionchannel_reported_cpaformulaChannel-Reported CPA = Ad Spend / Number of Channel-Reported Conversions
Pixel New Customer Cost Per AcquisitionncpaformulaPixel NCPA = New Customer Pixel Conversion Value / Ad Spend
Pixel Bounce Ratebounce_rateformulaPixel Bounce Rate = Number of Bounces / Number of Sessions
Pixel Average Session Durationaverage_session_durationformulaPixel Average Session Duration (in seconds) = Time on Site / (Number of Sessions - Number of Bounces)
Pixel Average Page Views Per Sessionaverage_page_views_per_sessionformulaPixel Average Page Views Per Session = Session Page Views / Number of Sessions
Pixel Email Signup Rateemail_signup_rateformulaPixel Email SUR = Number of Email Signups / Number of Sessions
Pixel Conversion Ratepixel_conversion_rateformulaPixel Conversion Rate = Number of Pixel Purchases / Number of Sessions
Pixel New Customer Conversion Ratepixel_nc_conversion_rateformulaPixel NC CR = Number of New Customer Pixel Purchases / Number of New Visitors
Pixel Conversion Value Deltapixel_conversion_value_deltaformulaPixel CV Delta = Pixel Conversion Value - Channel-Reported Conversion Value
Pixel Cost Per Add To Cartpixel_cost_per_add_to_cartformulaPixel Cost Per ATC = Ad Spend / Number of Add to Carts
Pixel Cost Per Email Signuppixel_cost_per_email_signupformulaPixel Cost Per ESU = Ad Spend / Number of Email Signups
Pixel Cost Per New Visitorpixel_cost_per_new_visitorformulaPixel Cost Per New Visitor = Ad Spend / Number of New Visitors
Pixel Cost Per Visitorpixel_cost_per_visitorformulaPixel Cost Per Visitor = Ad Spend / Number of Unique Visitors
Pixel New Visitor %pixel_new_visitor_percentformulaPixel New Visitor % = Number of New Visitors / Number of Unique Visitors