Facebook Return on Ad Spend (Facebook ROAS)


Facebook Return on Ad Spend (Facebook ROAS) evaluates the efficiency and profitability of your Facebook advertising campaigns.


Facebook ROAS = Facebook Ads Revenue / Facebook Ad Spend

The calculation is based on data from the Pixel Joined table.

Insights and Actions

Facebook Return on Ad Spend (Facebook ROAS) is crucial for gauging the effectiveness of Facebook ad campaigns. Efficiently leveraging Facebook ROAS data can guide strategic business decisions:

  • Optimize Ad Content: Analyze which types of ads (videos, images, carousels) yield the highest ROAS and focus on creating more content in this format.
  • Refine Targeting: Use demographic and behavioral data from high ROAS campaigns to refine targeting for future ads, aiming to reach similar high-converting audiences.
  • Adjust Budget Allocation: Increase spending on Facebook ads with high ROAS while reducing or optimizing campaigns with lower returns.
  • Test and Learn: Continuously test different elements of your Facebook ads, such as creative, copy, and call-to-action, to identify what maximizes ROAS.

Example Use


What was my Facebook ROAS last month?
