The Custom Spend table aggregates expenses from various categories not otherwise accounted for, including advertising, operational costs, and other expenditures related to your store's operations. Querying this table enables you to analyze your spending patterns across different platforms and campaigns, helping you optimize your budget allocation for better financial management.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table.


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

event_datedateThe date the expense was incurred.
event_date.daydateThe day the expense was incurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the expense was incurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the expense was incurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the expense was incurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the expense was incurred. Derived from event_date.
event_hourstringThe hour of the day the expense was incurred, according to a 24-hour clock. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment the expense was incurred.

Example values: 07, 16, 21
titlestringThe title of the expense. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Example value: Podcast US
categorystringThe category of the expense. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Example values: Ad Spend, Cashback Booked, Returns Estimate
is_ad_spendbooleanTrue if the expense is associated with advertising. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin.
is_recurringbooleanTrue if the expense is recurring. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Note: Only relevant for fixed expenses. NULL for variable expenses.
metricstringThe specific metric related to the expense. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Note: Only relevant for variable expenses. NULL for fixed expenses.

Example values: sales, ads, revenue
ratestringThe rate applied to the expense. Set by the seller in Triple Whale admin in the percent field.

Note: Only relevant for variable expenses. NULL for fixed expenses.

Example value: 0.02
channelstringThe platform related to the expense (e.g. Shopify, Facebook, Podcast, Point of Sale).

Note: This may match an existing integrated channel, or may be added manually by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Example values: facebook, social, microsoft
campaign_idstringThe name or ID of the campaign the custom expense is associated with.

Note: This may match an existing campaign ID in an integrated publisher platform, or may be added manually by the seller in Triple Whale admin.

Example values: 23852438666180053, 531011533, 20620285829


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

amountnumericThe amount of the expense. By default shown in the shop's currency.

Note: For fixed expenses, the amount is set by the seller in Triple Whale admin. For variable expenses, the amount is calculated based on the rate set by the seller in Triple Whale admin and shop prices from the sales, ad, or email/SMS platform (e.g. Shopify, Facebook, Klaviyo).