
The Activities table tracks key changes and actions related to ad campaigns, customer interactions, and data integrations. Querying this table helps users analyze activity trends over time, compare changes to campaign elements, and assess the impact of adjustments on customer behavior and business outcomes.


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

event_datedateThe date the activity event occurred. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment of the activity event.
event_date.daydateThe day of the activity event. Derived from event_date.
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the activity event occurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the activity event occurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the activity event occurred. Derived from event_date.
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the activity event occurred. Derived from event_date.
ad_changed_name_fromstringThe original name of the ad before a change occurred.
ad_changed_name_tostringThe new name of the ad after a change occurred.
ad_createdbooleanIndicates if a new ad was created.
ad_status_changed_fromstringThe original status of the ad before a change occurred.
ad_status_changed_tostringThe new status of the ad after a change occurred.
adset_changed_name_fromstringThe original name of the ad set before a change occurred.
adset_changed_name_tostringThe new name of the ad set after a change occurred.
adset_createdbooleanIndicates if a new ad set was created.
adset_status_changed_fromstringThe original status of the ad set before a change occurred.
adset_status_changed_tostringThe new status of the ad set after a change occurred.
annotation_authorstringThe author who made the annotation in the system.
annotation_descriptionstringA description of the annotation added.
annotation_titlestringThe title of the annotation made in the system.
campaign_changed_name_fromstringThe original name of the campaign before a change occurred.
campaign_changed_name_tostringThe new name of the campaign after a change occurred.
campaign_createdbooleanIndicates if a new campaign was created.
campaign_status_changed_fromstringThe original status of the campaign before a change occurred.
campaign_status_changed_tostringThe new status of the campaign after a change occurred.
cdp_segment_sync_to_facebook_statusstringThe status of a CDP segment synced to Facebook.
cdp_segment_sync_to_klaviyo_statusstringThe status of a CDP segment synced to Klaviyo.
created_attimestampThe timestamp when the event or activity was created.
created_cdp_segmentbooleanIndicates if a new CDP segment was created.
created_post_purchase_survey_descriptionstringThe description of a newly created post-purchase survey.
deleted_post_purchase_survey_descriptionstringThe description of a deleted post-purchase survey.
idstringThe unique identifier for the event or activity.
integration_idstringThe unique identifier for the data integration.
namestringThe name associated with the event or activity.
provider_accountstringThe account related to the service provider involved in the event.
provider_idstringThe unique identifier of the service provider involved in the event.
updated_integration_descriptionstringThe updated description of a data integration.
updated_integration_sourcestringThe updated source of a data integration.
updated_integration_titlestringThe updated title of a data integration.
updated_new_user_descriptionstringThe updated description of a new user added to the system.
updated_post_purchase_survey_descriptionstringThe updated description of a post-purchase survey.
variant_stock_statusstringThe stock status of a product variant involved in the event.


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

adset_bid_amount_changed_fromnumericThe original bid amount for an ad set before a change.
adset_bid_amount_changed_tonumericThe new bid amount for an ad set after a change.
adset_daily_budget_changed_fromnumericThe original daily budget for an ad set before a change.
adset_daily_budget_changed_tonumericThe new daily budget for an ad set after a change.
campaign_bid_amount_changed_fromnumericThe original bid amount for a campaign before a change.
campaign_bid_amount_changed_tonumericThe new bid amount for a campaign after a change.
campaign_daily_budget_changed_fromnumericThe original daily budget for a campaign before a change.
campaign_daily_budget_changed_tonumericThe new daily budget for a campaign after a change.
campaign_lifetime_budget_changed_fromnumericThe original lifetime budget for a campaign before a change.
campaign_lifetime_budget_changed_tonumericThe new lifetime budget for a campaign after a change.
variant_price_changed_fromnumericThe original price of a product variant before a change.
variant_price_changed_tonumericThe new price of a product variant after a change.