The Email/SMS table provides a comprehensive overview of email and SMS campaign metrics, including send times, click-throughs, and conversion data. Querying this table enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of your communication strategies, track customer engagement, and refine your marketing efforts for better performance.



event_date is a required field for queries on this table.


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

event_datedateThe date the email/SMS action occurred (e.g. sent, opened, received). Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment the email/SMS action occurred.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_date.daydateThe day the email/SMS action occurred. Derived from event_date.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the email/SMS action occurred. Derived from event_date.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the email/SMS action occurred. Derived from event_date.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the email/SMS action occurred. Derived from event_date.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the email/SMS action occurred. Derived from event_date.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
event_hourstringThe hour of the day the email/SMS action occurred, according to a 24-hour clock. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment the email/SMS action occurred.

Example values: 07, 16, 21
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
channelstringThe platform used to send email/SMS.

Example values: klaviyo, Smsbump
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
channel_typestringThe type of communication channel used.

Example values: email, sms
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
report_typestringThe type of report generated.

Example values: flow, campaign
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
campaign_idstringThe unique ID of the email/SMS campaign, assigned by the email/SMS platform.

Example value: R8cpwN
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
campaign_namestringThe name of the email/SMS campaign.

Example value: Father's Day Sale 50% Off
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
campaign_statusstringThe current status of the campaign associated with the email/SMS.

Example value: Sent, Cancelled
flow_idstringThe unique ID for the automation flow. Assigned by the email/SMS platform.

Example value: 726935
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
flow_namestringThe name of the automation flow.

Example value: Abandoned cart reminder: 1-3 days
Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
flow_statusstringThe current status of the automation flow.

Example values: draft, live
flow_action_idstringThe unique ID for a specific action within an automation flow. Assigned by the email/SMS platform.

Example value: 49497165
flow_action_namestringThe name of the specific action within an automation flow.

flow_action_statusstringThe current status of a specific action within an automation flow.

Example values: draft, live, manual
message_idstringThe unique ID for the individual message sent as part of a campaign or flow. Assigned by the email/SMS platform.

Example value: UKDRM6
message_namestringThe name of the individual message sent.

Example value: Welcome Series: Email 11


Measures are numeric fields that can be aggregated and/or combined to calculate new metrics.

clicksnumericThe total number of times recipients clicked links within the email/SMS.Klaviyo
spendnumericThe total amount spent on the campaign.Yotpo Email and SMS
purchasesnumericThe total number of purchases made as a direct result of the campaign.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
conversion_valuenumericThe total revenue generated from purchases attributed to the campaign.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
openednumericThe total number of times the email was opened by recipients.Klaviyo
cumulative_openednumericThe running total of email opens over time.

Note: All opens are counted, not unique opens. To count unique opens, use the opens_unique field in the Email/SMS settings table.
receivednumericThe total number of messages successfully received by the target audience.Klaviyo
cumulative_receivednumericThe running total of messages received over time.Klaviyo
subscribed_to_listnumericThe total number of recipients subscribed to any list. Not associated with a campaign (campaign_id will be null).Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo
unsubscribednumericThe total number of recipients who unsubscribed from any communication as a result of the campaign.Yotpo Email and SMS, Klaviyo