The Customer Journey table tracks each step a customer takes on their path through your website, from viewing pages to making purchases. Querying this table helps identify patterns and key touchpoints in the customer journey, enabling targeted improvements to enhance the shopping experience and conversion rates.



customer_id is a required field for queries on this table.

  customer_id = '0000123456789'


Dimensions are immutable properties that can be used for grouping data.

typestringThe type of event in the customer journey.

Example values: viewed_page, added_to_cart, placed_order
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event_datedateThe date the customer journey event occurred. Based on the time zone of the shop at the moment of the event.Triple Pixel
event_date.daydateThe day on which the customer journey event occurred. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.weekdateThe Sunday of the week during which the customer journey event occurred. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.monthdateThe month during which the customer journey event occurred. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.quarterdateThe first month of the quarter during which the customer journey event occurred. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_date.yeardateThe year during which the customer journey event occurred. Derived from event_date.Triple Pixel
event_timetimestampThe exact timestamp when the customer journey event occurred. Formatted according to the ISO 8601 international standard.

Example value: 2024-03-16T00:13:03
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triple_idstringThe unique ID assigned by Triple Pixel event to track visitors across sessions.

Example value: cltlok4y634IRw62AZ
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session_idstringThe unique session ID associated with the customer journey event. Assigned by Triple Pixel.

Example value: cltlok4y634IRw62AZ_1710700966152
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order_idstringThe unique order ID associated with the customer journey event (when the event type is placed_order). Assigned by the shop platform.

Example value: 4930225799243
customer_idstringThe unique customer ID. Assigned by the shop platform.

Example value: 5209503793328
order_namestringThe name of the order associated with the customer journey event. Assigned by the shop platform.

Example value: #292017
total_pricestringThe total price of the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example value: 247.22
discountstringThe total discount applied to the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: 41.99, 7.49, 0
fulfillment_statusstringThe status of order fulfillment for the order associated with the customer journey event.Shopify/Amazon
tagsrepeated stringTags for the order associated with the customer journey event. Assigned by the seller in the shop platform.

Example values: Upsell, Subscription, Shipped by Seller
discount_codestringThe discount code for the order associated with the customer journey event. Assigned by the seller in the shop platform.

Example values: WELCOME10, Replacement for defective item, 807QRWMNK2
items_purchasedrecord repeatedInformation about items purchased by the customer in the order associated with the customer journey event.Shopify/Amazon
items_purchased.pricestringThe price of the purchased item in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: 40.59, 10.99, 24.50
items_purchased.quantitystringThe quantity of items purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: 1, 5, 200
items_purchased.product_titlestringThe title of the product purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: $20 USD Gift Card, Unisex Hoodie
items_purchased.variant_titlestringThe title of the product variant purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: Forest Green, M, iPhone 14 Pro
items_purchased.skustringThe stock keeping unit of the product or variant purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: SIL-RING-4445, NVDPROTECTION03
items_purchased.product_imagestringThe image URL of the product purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example value:
quantitystringThe quantity of items purchased in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example value: 1, 2, 40
product_titlestringThe title of the product in the order associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: $20 USD Gift Card, Unisex Hoodie
product_imagestringThe image URL of the product in the order associated with the customer journey event.Shopify/Amazon
page_typestringThe type of page the customer interacted with during the customer journey event.

Example values: product, collection, cart
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urlstringThe URL the customer interacted with during the customer journey event.

Example values:,
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referrerstringThe referrer platform of the ad associated with the customer journey event.

Example value: reddit
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sourcestringThe source of the customer journey event.

Example value: klaviyo, google-ads, Direct
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ad_namestringThe name of the ad associated with the customer journey event.Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Bing, Amazon, Criteo, Mountain, Klaviyo, Taboola, Outbrain
adset_namestringThe name of the adset associated with the customer journey event.Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Bing, Amazon, Criteo, Klaviyo, Taboola, Outbrain
campaign_namestringThe name of the campaign associated with the customer journey event.Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Bing, Amazon, Criteo, Mountain, Klaviyo, Yotpo Email and SMS, Taboola, Outbrain
query_paramsstringThe query parameters contained in the URL associated with the customer journey event.

Example values: {"tw_adid":"83906898178855", "tw_campaign":"103306890", "tw_source":"bing"," utm_campaign":"Bing Shopping", "utm_content":"HERO SKU Summer Book Run", "utm_medium":"cpc", "utm_source":"bing", "utm_term":"1342506080190763", "variant":"44042133111001"}
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ad_thumbnailstringThe thumbnail image URL of the ad associated with the customer journey event.Triple Pixel
questionsrecord repeatedSurvey questions asked during the customer journey.Triple Whale PPS, Fairing, Kno
questions.questionstringThe question asked during the customer journey event.Triple Whale PPS, Fairing, Kno
questions.answerstringThe answer provided during the customer journey event.Triple Whale PPS, Fairing, Kno


Derived fields are metrics that are pre-calculated using multiple measures or advanced formulas.

event_countformulaThe total number of events.

Formula: count(1) as events
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